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2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Sunday, June 16, 2019 to Thursday, February 21, 2019

$600 ONLINE No-Limit Hold'em Knockout Bounty (Event #38)

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  • Buy-in: $600
  • Prizepool: $673,200
  • Entries: 1,224
  • Remaining: 0


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Monday, June 17, 2019 3:49 AM Local Time
Upeshka 'gomezhamburg' De Silva Wins Event #38: ONLINE No-Limit Hold'em Knockout Bounty for $100,262.72!

Upeshka 'gomezhamburg' De Silva Wins Event #38

It took just over 11 hours for a champion to be crowned in Event #38: ONLINE No-Limit Hold'em Knockout Bounty and when the dust settled, it was a familiar face in Upeshka 'gomezhamburg' De Silva who emerged as the victor.

The title of victor earned De Silva a first place prize of $98,262.72. The Sri Lankan-born native of Texas topped a field of 1,224 players in the only online knockout event of the summer, generating a total prize pool of $673,200. Of that, $550,800 went to the regular prize pool and $122,400 to the bounty prize pool. In addition to winning the tournament, De Silva also topped the field with a whopping 18 bounties at $100 each, bringing his total winnings to $100,062.72 for the tournament.

De Silva was seen on the leaderboard from the final 100 players and was second in chips in the tournament at both the final two and final three tables stages. He entered the final table fourth in chips, narrowly behind Pretabotones with around one-and-a-half times the average stack at the time.

When the final table was reached, 'bendtheknee', p.bateman, 'johnsonck', and 'davidas777' all found themselves with under twelve big blinds in their stack. It wasn't long before 'BoatyBoatz (9th place) and 'B3ndTheKnee' (8th place) were eliminated. After about 10 more minutes of play, 'johnsonck' (7th place) joined the rail when De Silva's ace-king held versus ace-ten all in preflop.

Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
1Upeshka 'gomezhamburg' De SilvaUnited States$98,262.72
2David 'dave419' NodesUnited States$60,092.28
3'davidas777'United States$42,962.40
6'p.bateman'United States$16,854.48
7'johnsonckUnited States$12,668.40
8B3ndTheKneeUnited States$9,583.92
9BoatyBoatz8AUnited States$7,380.72

Six-handed play lasted for about two minutes before 'p.bateman' was eliminated (6th place) and De Silva found himself with 7.1 million chips, the chip leader with five left. A full level of action later saw 'Turko' (5th place) and 'Pretabotones' (4th place) eliminated, with De Silva increasing his stack to 9.7 million.

Three-handed play then began with De Silva second in chips behind eventual runner-up David 'dave419' Nodes, whose stack was just shy of 15 million. Third in chips was 'davidas777', who entered the final table ninth in chips. De Silva eliminated 'davidas777' in an all-in preflop situation for under ten big blinds, when his queen-nine suited hit a backdoor flush to beat the pair of sevens of 'davidas777'.

When heads-up play began, De Silva had a narrow chip lead but saw Nodes pull away to a two-to-one chip advantage after about 15 minutes of play. The two then got all in preflop, with Da Silva having pocket fives to the ace-ten of Nodes. The flop brought three hearts, with Nodes having the ace of hearts. However, the turn and river were both clean and the players' stacks were all of a sudden reversed. From there, De Silva continued to grind Nodes down and ultimately won the tournament when his pocket tens hit a ten in an all-in preflop situation, giving him a set and securing the victory.

With six more online events on the schedule as well as a full slate live at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino, be sure to catch the rest of the action for the 2019 World Series of Poker at PokerNews.

Monday, June 17, 2019 2:36 AM Local Time
'dave419' Eliminated in 2nd Place ($60,092.28); 'gomezhamburg' Wins Event #38: $600 ONLINE No-Limit Hold'Em Knockout Bounty

'gomezhamburg' shortly before winning event #38

After winning a few more small pots, 'gomezhamburg' had a commanding chip lead with a stack of 22,482,720. 'dave419' was down to their last 4,174,858 and the two got stacks all in preflop.

'gomezhamburg' had    and hit a ten, having 'dave419' drawing dead on the turn and securing victory, good for $98,262.72 plus bounties and a WSOP gold bracelet.

A detailed recap of the tournament is soon to come, so check back shortly for more.

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva24,480,0008,980,638
David "Dave419" Nodes0-8,980,638
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:26 AM Local Time
Level 41 started
Level: 41
Blinds: 200000/400000
Ante: 50000
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:26 AM Local Time
'gomezhamburg' Doubles

'gomezhamburg' Doubles

'gomezhamburg' shoved all in preflop for 7,709,681 and 'dave419' called, sending the two off to the races for the first opportunity of the night for the WSOP gold bracelet.


The board ran out       and 'gomezhamburg' held, winning the coin flip and taking the chip lead in commanding fashion.

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva15,499,3629,578,641
David "Dave419" Nodes8,980,638-9,578,641
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:24 AM Local Time
'dave419' Pulling Away

'dave419' Pulling Away

'gomezhamburg' raised to 640,000 in the small blind and 'dave419' defended, bringing a flop of    . 'dave419' check-called a continuation-bet of 388,960 from 'gomezhamburg' and the turn came  . 'dave419' checked and 'gomezhamburg' fired a second barrel of 899,066.

'dave419' put in a check-raise to 2,438,132 and got a fold from 'gomezhamburg', taking down the pot.

David "Dave419" Nodes18,559,2791,968,026
Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva5,920,721-1,968,026
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:22 AM Local Time
'dave419' Continuing To Chip Up

With a bit of back and forth over the last five minutes, 'dave419' has won a few more smaller pots than 'gomezhamburg' has and is now at over a two-to-one chip lead.

David "Dave419" Nodes16,591,2531,711,125
Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva7,888,747-1,711,125
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:14 AM Local Time
New Level: 'dave419' Takes Chip Lead

Having been fairly even, 'dave419' has taken a faily useful lead against 'gomezhamburg', with over 5 million chips now between them. With a WSOP gold bracelet on the line, can Dave get it done?

David "Dave419" Nodes14,880,1282,757,354
Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva9,599,872-2,757,354
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:11 AM Local Time
Level 40 started
Level: 40
Blinds: 160000/320000
Ante: 40000
Monday, June 17, 2019 2:11 AM Local Time
Stacks Nearly Even

'gomezhamburg' opened from the small blind to 560,000 and 'dave419' defended. The flop came     and 'dave419' checked to 'gomezhamburg', who made a continuation-bet of 376,550. 'dave419' clicked it back to 753,100 and 'gomezhamburg' made the call. The turn came   and 'dave419' bet 1,348,100. 'gomezhamburg' called and the river was  . 'dave419' shoved all in for 6,770,374' and got a fold from 'gomezhamburg'. The fold now brings stacks to nearly even.

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva12,357,226-1,520,560
David "Dave419" Nodes12,122,7741,530,560
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:56 AM Local Time
Heads Up Chip Counts at Break

Heads Up Chip Counts

Players are on a five-minute break

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva13,877,786-1,049,040
David "Dave419" Nodes10,592,214409,040
Gorilla Gaming
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:50 AM Local Time
'davidas777' Eliminated in 3rd Place ($22,748.04)

3rd Place

With action three-handed, 'gomezhamburg' shoved all in preflop, putting 'davidas777' at a decision for their remaining 2,646,068. 'davidas777' called and it was time to hold for their tournament life.


Unfortunately for 'davidas777', the cards were in the favor of 'gomezhamburg' as the board ran out      , completing a flush for 'gomezhamburg' and eliminating 'davidas777' from the tournament.

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva14,926,8268,001,068
David "Dave419" Nodes10,183,174-1,800,000
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:50 AM Local Time
Level 39 started
Level: 39
Blinds: 140000/280000
Ante: 35000
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:49 AM Local Time
'Pretabotones' Eliminated in 4th Place ($31,065.12)

4th Place

'Pretabotones' limped from the cutoff and 'gomezhamburg' followed suit on the button. 'davidas777' completed from the small blind and 'dave419' checked their option to make a family pot.

The flop came     and action folded to 'Pretabotones', who bet 540,000. 'gomezhamburg' and 'davidas777' folded and 'dave419' made the call.

The turn came   and 'dave419' check-called a bet from 'Pretabotones' of 795,900. The river was   and 'dave419' shoved all in for an effective 2,784,065. After some time in the tank, 'Pretabotones' called.


The pair of queens for 'Pretabotones' was no good to the aces of 'dave419' and they were eliminated from the tournament in 4th place.

David "Dave419" Nodes11,983,1743,879,965
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:45 AM Local Time
'Turko' Eliminated in 5th Place ($22,748.04)

5th Place

Down to their last, 265,954, 'Turko' went all in preflop from the hijack and was met with an all-in isolation raise from 'Pretabotones' in the small blind, forcing a fold from 'gomezhamburg' in the big blind.


The board ran out       and 'Turko' was eliminated in 5th place, earning a payday of $22,748.04.

Monday, June 17, 2019 1:37 AM Local Time
New Level, New Chip Counts

New Chip Counts

David "Dave419" Nodes8,103,209814,580
Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva6,925,758-202,410
Gorilla Gaming
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:36 AM Local Time
Level 38 started
Level: 38
Blinds: 120000/240000
Ante: 30000
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:35 AM Local Time
'davidas777' Doubles Through 'Turko'

'davidas777' Doubles Up

Action folded to 'Turko' in the small blind who went all in for the effective 2,628,038 of 'davidas777', who called.


The boar ran out       and 'davidas' secured the double up, leaving 'Turko' as the newest short stack.

Monday, June 17, 2019 1:32 AM Local Time
'dave419' Wins On Turn

'dave419' opened from the cutoff to 400,000 and was three-bet by 'Turko' in the big blind to 1,257,444. 'dave419 called and the flop came    . 'Turko' made a continuation-bet of 525,444 and 'dave419' called. The turn was   and 'Turko' checked. 'dave419' bet 1,295,388 and 'turko' folded.

David "Dave419" Nodes7,288,629683,600
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:22 AM Local Time
Five-Handed Chip Counts

Five-Handed Chip Counts

Here is a new round of chip counts with play five-handed and a new level.

Upeshka "gomezhamburg" De Silva7,128,168100,000
David "Dave419" Nodes6,605,029820,000
Monday, June 17, 2019 1:20 AM Local Time
Level 37 started
Level: 37
Blinds: 100000/200000
Ante: 25000
Gorilla Gaming