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2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Monday, June 30, 2014 to Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Event #59: $3,000 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better

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  • Buy-in: $3,000
  • Prizepool: $1,247,610
  • Entries: 457
  • Remaining: 0


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Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:34 PM Local Time
David Williams Eliminated in 6th Place ($49,817)

David Williams

David Williams lost the majority of his stack to Ismael Bojang when Bojang would hit a full house with      on a       board. Down to his last 65,000, Williams raised and Bojang reraised. Zack Milchman called and we were three handed to the flop.

The dealer fanned a flop of     and Bojang check-called Milchman's bet. The turn was the   and the two players would exchange raises until Milchman was all in and at risk. All three players turned over their cards:


Williams needed a king or an 8 to stay alive. Bojang had the nut low and not much else while Milchman had the nut low and trip deuces.

The river was the   and Milchman would take three-fourth's of the pot, Bojang one-fourth, and Williams would be eliminated in sixth place. The rest of the table congratulated him and Williams was gracious as he left to see if he could sign up for the Ten Game Mix tournament.

Ismael Bojang1,750,000170,000
Zack Milchman325,000-150,000
David Williams0-325,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:27 PM Local Time
Bojang Scoops Williams

Ismael Bojang raised in the hijack, David Williams defended his big blind, and the flop was    . Williams check-called a bet, and both players checked on the turn ( ).

Williams led out on the river ( ), Bojang called, and Bojang scooped the pot with      for a flush and a low.

Ismael Bojang1,580,000380,000
David Williams325,000-240,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:24 PM Local Time
Jordan Morgan Eliminated in 8th Place ($29,356); Matt Glantz Eliminated in 7th Place ($38,089)

Matt Glantz - 7th Place

Jordan Morgan raised in early position, leaving himself with one chip, Matt Glantz made it three bets, going all in from the cutoff, and Phillip Hui called out of the small blind.


The flop came    , giving Hui trip sixes and the nut low draw, but Morgan had a straight draw and Glantz the same low draw. The   on the turn have Glantz a few extra outs to scoop because he had a four, but the   on the river was a big red brick.

Morgan and Glantz were both eliminated, and Glantz will officially finish in seventh place because he began the hand with more chips.

Hui, who is shocked that he came back from break and eliminated three players, chipped up to 930,000 chips.

Phillip Hui930,000305,000
Matt Glantz0-175,000
Jordan Morgan0-145,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:17 PM Local Time
Joe Mitchell Eliminated in 9th Place ($22,793)

Joe Mitchell

A short-stacked Joe Mitchell raised all in for his last 60,000 and Phillip Hui re-raised to isolate Mitchell. Every one folded and Hui took back his 40,000 chip raise and the cards were turned over:


The flop was     and Hui took the lead with a pair of fives. The turn was the   and Hui still held the lead. The river was the   and that would be the end of Mitchell's tournament as he was eliminated in ninth place. Hui would go on to win a good sized pot off of Ismael Bojang the very next hand to move his stack to 625,000 - an impressive feat considering he was below 25,000 just a few hours ago.

Ismael Bojang1,200,000-250,000
Phillip Hui625,000355,000
Joe Mitchell0-50,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:10 PM Local Time
Mitchell Gets Half

Michael Bees raised in early position, Joe Mitchell called all in for 35,000 in middle position, and John D'Agostino defended his big blind.

The flop fell    , both players checked, and the turn was the  . D'Agostino checked, Bees bet, and D'Agostino folded.


Mitchell needed a low card to chop, and the   was good enough to get him half of the pot.

Michael Bees660,00075,000
John D'Agostino335,000-80,000
Joe Mitchell50,00015,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 10:02 PM Local Time
Level 27 started
Level: 27
Blinds: 40000/80000
Ante: 0
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 9:12 PM Local Time
Dinner Break/Chip Counts

Players are now on a 60-minute dinner break. They will return at approximately 10:00 p.m. local time. Here are the updated chip counts on the break:

Ismael Bojang1,450,000-150,000
Michael Bees585,00035,000
David Williams565,000400,000
Zack Milchman475,000-95,000
John D'Agostino415,000179,000
Phillip Hui270,000135,000
Matt Glantz175,000-175,000
Jordan Morgan145,000-255,000
Joe Mitchell35,000-190,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 9:10 PM Local Time
Glantz Survives, Williams Thrives

Matt Glantz opened the action with a raise, Joe Mitchell three-bet, and David Williams called. Glantz four-bet all in for 100,000 total and the other two players made the call.

The flop came     and Mitchell bet out and Williams made the call. The turn was the   and Mitchell check-called a Williams bet. The river was the   and Mitchell again check-called a Williams bet.

Williams turned over      for the nut low and a baby flush to scoop the side pot. He would get half the main pot with his low as Glantz had flopped the nut flush with     .

Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:56 PM Local Time
Bojang Picks Off Mitchell's Bluff

Ismael Bojang

Joe Mitchell raised in the hijack, Ismael Bojang called out of the small blind, and the dealer fanned    . Bojang led out, Mitchell raised, and Bojang called.

The turn was the  , Bojang fired out another bet, and Mitchell just called.

The German checked for the first time on the river ( ), and Mitchell immediately bet. Bojang sighed, then went deep into the tank before making a crying call.

Mitchell shook his head, fanning      for completed air, and Bojang won the pot with      for a single pair of kings.

Mitchell doubled the next hand through Michael Bees.

Ismael Bojang1,600,000500,000
Michael Bees550,000-150,000
Joe Mitchell225,000-367,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:49 PM Local Time
Hui Survives Again

Michael Bees opened for a raise and it was folded to Phillip Hui in the big blind who called for the rest of his stack. The hands were turned over:


The board ran out       to give Hui trip fives which was good enough to scoop the entire pot. Hui doubled up to 135,000 after the hand.

Phillip Hui135,00075,000
Gorilla Gaming
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:40 PM Local Time
Don Zewin Eliminated in 10th Place ($17,828)

Don Zewin - 10th Place

After several double ups and even a few triple ups, it was eight-six high that burst the official final table bubble.

Don Zewin raised from under the gun leaving just 20,000 behind. The action folded to Zack Milchman who tanked for a considerable amount of time before calling in the big blind.

The flop fell    , Milchman bet, and Zewin called all in.


Both players held very similar hands, and it was Milchman who scooped the entire pot with eight-six high when the turn and river bricked  ,   respectively.

Zewin earned $17,828 for his 10th-place finish, and Milchman chipped up to 570,000.

Zack Milchman570,000170,000
Don Zewin0-234,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:32 PM Local Time
Bees Scoops

Michael Bees opened for a raise and only Matt Glantz was daring enough to take him on. The flop came     and both players checked. The turn was the   and Glantz put out a bet after Bees checked. Bees check-raised and Glantz made the call.

The river was the   and Bees led out. Glantz made the call and Bees tabled      for threes full of aces with a live deuce for the low. Glantz looked at his hand for several moments before mucking.

Michael Bees700,000195,000
Matt Glantz350,000-200,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:21 PM Local Time
Morgan's Turn to Double

Phillip Hui raised in middle position, Jordan Morgan defended his big blind, and the flop was    . Both players checked.

The turn was the  , Morgan led out, Hui raised, and Morgan moved all in for a total of 170,000. Hui called.


It looked like the two were going to chop the pot, but there were scoop outs in the deck, and the   on the river was one of them.

Morgan made the wheel, and pulled in the entire pot.

Jordan Morgan400,000160,000
Phillip Hui60,000-164,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:09 PM Local Time
Williams Triples

Matt Glantz opened from the button and Joe Mitchell called from the small blind. David Williams called all in for his last 55,000 from the big blind.

The flop came     and Mitchell check-called a Glantz bet. The turn was the   and both players checked. "Pair the board one f***ing time," begged Williams.

He received his wish on the   river and both players left in the hand checked. Williams proudly turned over his hand...      for queens full of eights. Glantz would take the side pot with     .

David Williams165,000119,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 8:03 PM Local Time
Glantz Has It

Matt Glantz

Prior to the level change, Matt Glantz raised in early position, Joe Mitchell called on his direct left, and Jordan Morgan defended his big blind.

The flop fell    , Morgan and Glantz checked, and Mitchell tossed out a bet. Morgan called, Glantz raised, and only Morgan called.

The turn was the  , Morgan checked, and Glantz bet. Morgan tanked for a bit before sending Glantz all in.

"I have it," Glantz said, getting the rest of his chips in the middle


Glantz had nut-nut, and we saw that Morgan had a lower flush, but his hand hit the muck very quickly when the   completed the board.

Joe Mitchell592,00082,000
Matt Glantz550,000350,000
Jordan Morgan240,000-160,000
Gorilla Gaming
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:58 PM Local Time
Level 26 started
Level: 26
Blinds: 30000/60000
Ante: 0
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:55 PM Local Time
Bojang Hits Two Boats Against Glantz

Ismael Bojang hit two full houses on separate hands to take a good chunk off chips from Matt Glantz. On the first hand, Glantz check-called bets on a board run out of       and Glantz would muck when Bojang turned over     .

The next hand would see similar action. Glantz called bets on the turn and river and mucked when Bojang showed      for a full house on the       board.

Bojang moved over a million in chips while Glantz slipped to approximately 200,000.

Ismael Bojang1,100,000260,000
Matt Glantz200,000-260,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:50 PM Local Time
Glantz and Morgan Chop Up Bees

Jordan Morgan raised on the button, Michael Bees called in the small blind, Matt Glantz defended his big blind, and the flop fell    . Bees led out, Glantz and Morgan both called, and the turn was the  .

Bees checked, Glantz checked, and Morgan bet. Both Bees and Glantz called.

The   completed the board, Bees checked, and Glantz bet. Morgan quickly called, sending Bees into the tank.

"You have to have it," he finally said to Glantz, folding two aces face up.

He was right, Glantz showed      for Broadway, and Morgan took the low with     .

"You should have three-bet," Glantz told Bees after the hand.

Michael Bees505,000-105,000
Matt Glantz460,00086,000
Jordan Morgan400,000-69,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:40 PM Local Time
Glantz Scoops, Williams Crippled

Matt Glantz raised and David Williams called. The remainder of the table decided to let the two battle it out. The flop came     and Glantz checked. Williams bet and Glantz put in a raise. Williams made the call.

The turn was the   and Glantz bet. Williams called.

The river was the   and Glantz bet again. Williams called.

Glantz turned over      for aces and sixes and Williams mucked his hand, left with just 46,000 after the hand. Glantz in the meantime moved up to 374,000 in chips.

Matt Glantz374,000219,000
David Williams46,000-387,000
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:35 PM Local Time
Bees Knees

Michael Bees raised in middle position, Joe Mitchell called on the button, and the two took a flop of    . Bees led out for a bet, Mitchell called, and the turn was the  .

Bees slowed down, checking, and Mitchell took the opportunity to bet. Bees called.

The river was the  , both players checked, and Bees took the pot with      for a flush.

Michael Bees610,000210,000
Joe Mitchell510,000-50,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander