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2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker The Official WSOP Live Updates

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 to Friday, June 28, 2013

Event #48: $2,500 Limit Hold'em 6-Handed

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  • Buy-in: $2,500
  • Prizepool: $780,325
  • Entries: 343
  • Remaining: 0


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Friday, June 28, 2013 10:05 PM Local Time
Level 25 started
Level: 25
Blinds: 13000/25000
Ante: 0
Friday, June 28, 2013 9:06 PM Local Time
Chow Time

The players are now taking a one hour dinner break.

Friday, June 28, 2013 8:57 PM Local Time
Thompson Takes One From Johnson

Jeff Thompson raised the button, and Marco Johnson three bet it from the small blind. The flop came    , and Johnson bet out. Thompson raised, and Johnson called to see the   hit the turn. Johnson check called a bet, and the   hit the river. Johnson checked, and Thompson thought for a few moments before betting, and Johnson tanked for about 45 seconds before folding. Thompson shook his head, and said "why do you have to be right every time?" as he took down the pot.

Marco Johnson1,200,000-400,000
Jeff Thompson640,000265,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 8:50 PM Local Time
Marco Johnson and Juha Helppi Dueling for Table Control

With the game now three-handed, seasoned pros Marco Johnson and Juha Helppi are battling to take control of this final table.

Johnson has emerged victorious more times than not, chipping away at the dangerous native of Finland with strategic three-bets and creative plays.

One hand saw Johnson raise his button, and then call Helppi's reraise to take a     flop.

Helppit led out for a bet, Johnson called, and the turn came  . Both players checked fourth street, and the   completed the board on the river.

Two taps of the table later, Johnson rolled over the    for a runner-runner two pair.

Helppi winced when he saw the bad news, squeezing his cards a few times before flashing the   .

Marco Johnson1,600,000350,000
Juha Helppi280,000-160,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 8:30 PM Local Time
Helppi and Thompson Trade Pots

Jeff Thompson raised it up on the button, and Juha Helppi three bet from the big blind. The flop came down    . Helppi checked to Thompson, who fired out. Helppi check raised it, and Thompson called. He folded, however, when Helppi fired out on the   turn.

A few hands later, Helppi raised on the button, and Thompson three bet it from the small blind. The flop came down    , and Thompson fired out. Helppi called, and the same action occured on the   turn, and the   river. Thompson showed    for two pair, and Helppi kicked his hand in.

Juha Helppi440,000155,000
Jeff Thompson375,000-245,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Friday, June 28, 2013 8:24 PM Local Time
Danny Warchol Eliminated in 4th Place ($55,457)

Danny Warchol - 4th Place

A massive pot developed involving all four players, and Danny Warchol was victimized for the rest of his stack.

The action started when Warchol opened for a raise, with his stack already shortened from a previous loss. Juha Helppi, Marco Johnson, and Jeff Thompson all flatted to see the flop fall    .

When it was checked around to him, Warchol moved his last bet into the middle, and all three opponents came along.

The turn brought the  , and Johnson fired out a bet. Thompson raised it up and made it two bets to play, a move which prompted Johnson to flat call.

Johnson got one more bet in on the   river, and Thompson called while revealing the    for trips on the turn. Holding the    for trips with a bigger kicker, Johnson won the side pot, and when Warchol could table only the   , he was eliminated in 4th place.

Johnson stormed to a huge chip lead with the win, while Thompson dropped a chunk of change with the second best hand.

Marco Johnson1,250,000385,000
Danny Warchol0-205,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 8:06 PM Local Time
Level 24 started
Level: 24
Blinds: 10000/20000
Ante: 0
Friday, June 28, 2013 8:05 PM Local Time
Warchol Wins a Couple

Danny Warchol was back down to about 100,000 when he took down two pots in a row. Marco Johnson raised in the cutoff, and Warchol defended his big blind. The flop came down    , and Warchol checked to Johnson, who fired out. Warchol quickly check raised, and Johnson kicked his hand in.

On the next hand, Juha Helppi raised, and Warchol reraised from the small blind. Helppi called, and the flop came down    . Warchol bet, and Helppi called. The   hit the turn, and Warchol quickly bet again. Helppi folded, and Warchol flashed   .

Danny Warchol205,0005,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:57 PM Local Time
Danny Warchol Doubles Through Marco Johnson

With his stack shortened after a few previous losses, Danny Warchol raised and reraised until the pot was capped at five bets, with Marco Johnson and Jeff Thompson coming along for the ride.

On the     flop, Warchol led out for a bet, and both of his opponents called. The turn came   and Warchol fired away for his last bet, with Johnson the lone caller.



Warchol's pocket pair had him in the lead, but he needed to fade aces and kings to survive.


With that, Warchol regained his footing while putting a dent in Johnson's chip lead.

Friday, June 28, 2013 7:51 PM Local Time
Warchol Getting Short

Jeff Thompson raised, and Danny Warchol reraised from the button. Thompson called, and the flop came    . Thompson checked, Warchol bet, and Thompson check raised. Warchol called, and the   hit the turn. Thompson bet, and Warchol raised again. Thompson called, and bet out one more time when the   came on the river. Warchol called, then mucked his hand when Thompson showed   .

A few hands later, Thompson raised from the cutoff, and Warchol three bet from the button again. The flop came    , and Thompson checked. Warchol raise, and Thompson made it two bets. Warchol three bet it, and Thompson called. The   hit the turn, and Thompson check called. The same happened on the   river, and Warchol announced "fives." Thompson rolled over   , and he took down the pot.

Jeff Thompson620,000145,000
Danny Warchol200,000-200,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:43 PM Local Time
Mike Schiffman Eliminated in 5th Place ($38,905)

Michael Schiffman - 5th Place

Mike Schiffman saw Marco Johnson raise before the flop, and he made it three bets to play. Johnson flatted and the flop fell    .

Schiffman led out for a bet, Johnson smooth called, and the turn came  .

When Schiffman fired a second barrel, Johnson sprung his trap with a raise, and Schiffman quickly got his last bet into the middle.



Both players had a huge piece of the board, with Schiffman flopping two pair and turning the nut flush draw. Johnson found a set on the turn, however, and Schiffman needed help to survive. Unfortunately for him, the river bricked off, and he made his exit from the final table in 5th place.

Marco Johnson865,000-85,000
Mike Schiffman0-190,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:34 PM Local Time
Johnson Four Bets Preflop

Jeff Thompson raised from the cutoff, and Danny Warchol put out a third bet from the button. Marco Johnson then quickly four bet it from the small blind, and Thompson folded. Warchol called, and the flop came    . Johnson bet, and Warchol called. The turn brought the  , and Johnson bet again. This time, Warchol folded, and Johnson took down another pot.

Marco Johnson950,000-17,000
Danny Warchol400,000-105,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:30 PM Local Time
Schiffman Getting Short

Mike Schiffman raised it up on the button, and Jeff Thompson reraised from the small blind. The flop came down    , and Thompson fired out. Schiffman called, and the   hit the turn. Thompson bet out again, and Schiffman folded his hand, dropping him to 190,000.

Jeff Thompson475,000-55,000
Mike Schiffman190,000-60,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:27 PM Local Time
Danny Warchol Wins One With Big Slick

Danny Warchol opened for a raise, Marco Johnson made it three bets to play, and Warchol responded with reraise of his own.

After Johnson flatted, the flop fell    , and Johnson checked it. Warchol threw out a bet, Johnson called, and the turn came  . The action repeated on fourth street, and again on the   river.

Warchol's    was the winner, and he put a dent into Johnson's big stack.

Friday, June 28, 2013 7:22 PM Local Time
Mike Schiffman Makes it Happen

After Jeff Thompson raised to open the action, Mike Schiffman reraised, and when Thompson called the flop came    .

Schiffman check-raised a bet by Thompson, who flatted to see the   hit on the turn. Schiffman continued with a bet, Thompson called, and the river came  .

Both players checked down, and Schiffman's    took it down.

Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:13 PM Local Time
Thompson Takes From Helppi

Juha Helppi raised from the button, and Jeff Thompson reraised from the big blind. From here, Thompson bet every street of a board that came down      , and Helppi called the whole way. Thompson showed    for aces full, and Helppi sent his hand to the dealer.

Jeff Thompson530,000141,000
Juha Helppi285,000-175,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:06 PM Local Time
Level 23 started
Level: 23
Blinds: 8000/15000
Ante: 0
Friday, June 28, 2013 7:05 PM Local Time
Back from Break

The break has ended and the cards are back in the air.

Friday, June 28, 2013 7:01 PM Local Time
Updated Chip Counts

Here is where the remaining five players stand on the totem pole.

Marco Johnson967,000187,000
Danny Warchol505,00085,000
Juha Helppi460,00070,000
Jeff Thompson389,000-231,000
Mike Schiffman250,000-190,000
Friday, June 28, 2013 6:45 PM Local Time
Break It Up

The players are taking their second 20 minute break of the day.

Playtika - Jason Alexander