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2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker

Friday, June 29, 2012 to Sunday, July 01, 2012

Event #52: $2,500 10-Game Mix 6-Handed

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  • Buy-in: $2,500
  • Prizepool: $957,775
  • Entries: 421
  • Remaining: 0


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Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:55 PM Local Time

2-7 Limit Triple Draw

Folded to Vanessa Selbst on the button, she made it two bets to go and only Chris Bjorin in the big blind would make the call. Selbst then drew three cards and Bjorin two cards.

Bjorin led here, then called the raise from Selbst. Both players drew one card and then checked, drawing one card again.

This time Bjorin would check then think hard before folding to a bet from Selbst.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:51 PM Local Time

2-7 Limit Triple Draw

Vanessa Selbst opened under the gun for 30,000 and Michael Salzburg called from the small blind.

Round 1: Salzburg drew one card. Selbst drew two cards. Salzburg bet and Selbst called.

Round 2: Salzburg stood pat and Selbst drew one card. Salzburg bet and Selbst called.

Round 3: Salzburg stood pat and Selbst drew one card. Both players checked.

Salzburg tabled J 7 6 4 3 and Selbst held J 7 6 5 2 and Salzburg took the pot.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:40 PM Local Time

The game is on Omaha Hi Low and the last two pots have been chopped.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:33 PM Local Time

2-7 No-Limit Single Draw

Vanessa Selbst opened the action with a raise from the cutoff and Tommy Hang made the call out of the big blind. Hang drew two and Selbst also drew two.

Hang then led with a bet of 40,000 and after a few moments thought, Selbst made the call. Here is how the hands looked at showdown.


Selbst's ten-seven was just stronger than Hang's ten-eight as Selbst raked in a few more chips.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:25 PM Local Time

2-7 No Limit Single Draw

Tommy Hang opened from under the gun to 23,000 and Thomas Chambers called from the small blind. Chambers took one card and Hang stood pat.

Chambers bet 35,000 and it took several moments for Hang to call. Chambers opened up a pair of fives and Hang took the pot with a Ten-eight low.

Playtika - Jason Alexander
Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:20 PM Local Time
Vanessa Selbst1,008,000123,000
Michael Saltzburg597,000-38,000
Chris Bjorin545,000-73,000
Tommy Hang377,000-123,000
Thomas Chambers262,000-68,000
Mike Gorodinsky222,00080,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 7:11 PM Local Time

It took just around ten minutes to lose our first player at the "unofficial" final table, which brings us to the official final table of six. The player who has gone home as our final table bubble was Julian Renard. It was during a hand of stud against Vanessa Selbst. Here is how the cards were drawn out.

Selbst:    /       /  
Renard:    /      /  

Thomas Chambers brought it in with a   showing, then Renard completed with his  . Selbst then called with the   out front and Chambers got out of the way. On fourth street, Renard check-called a bet from Selbst. On fifth street, both players checked. On sixth, Renard check-raised, leaving himself with just a few thousand behind. Selbst then made the re-raise and Renard was all in. Selbt tabled   , having two-pair, while Renard held    in the hole.

The final card for Renard was a  , which left him still behind Selbt's two-pair. The meaningless   was added to Selbst's hand and she raked in the pot, while Renard was sent home in seventh place.

With that, we are at our final table!

Julien Renard0-127,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:56 PM Local Time

Cards are back in the air following the break. The final table of seven players have been relocated to the stage in the Pavilion Room.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:56 PM Local Time
Level: 23
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:54 PM Local Time

Final Table Seating Assignments

1Thomas Chambers
2Julian Renard
3Chris Bjorin
4Tommy Hang
5Michael Saltzburg
6Mike Gorodinsky
7Vanessa Selbst
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:37 PM Local Time

The chips are currently being racked up and prepared to move to the "unofficial" final table of seven. We will have that seating draw up as soon as possible.

Vanessa Selbst885,000-165,000
Michael Saltzburg635,000245,000
Chris Bjorin618,000398,000
Tommy Hang500,000200,000
Thomas Chambers330,000-170,000
Mike Gorodinsky142,00072,000
Julien Renard127,0002,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:30 PM Local Time

With seven players remaining, we have been sent on a 20-minute break. When the players return, they will be going to the "unofficial" final table of seven.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:29 PM Local Time

Scott Clements - 8th Place


It has taken two hands to see Scott Clements eliminated on the bubble of the "unofficial" final table of seven. The first hand that left him crippled saw him check-raised on seventh street by Chris Bjorin. At the end, the hands looked like this.

Bjorin: Board -      / Hole -    
Clements: Board -      / Hole -    

Clements held a straight to the seven, while Bjorin managed to hold a straight to the king. The very next hand saw Clements all in during the first round of betting, having to come up against Thomas Chambers.

Clements:    /       /  
Chambers:    /      /  

Chambers drew the straight and Clement's cards went into the muck as he was sent out the door in eighth place.

Scott Clements0-280,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:16 PM Local Time

No Limit Hold'em

Julien Renard opened for 15,000 in the small blind and Gabriel Nassif moved all in from the big blind. Renard called and the hands were tabled.


The board ran           and Renard won the hand. Renards stack was counted at 121,000 even. Nassif counted his stack and he had 121,500 exactly. Both stacks were counted a second time for verification and Nassif was indeed left with one T500 purple chip.

He tossed his last chip in for the ante and the game switched to Razz. Michael Saltzburg decided to play the hand he made a jack-ten low and Nassif was eliminated.

Gabriel Nassif0-80,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:04 PM Local Time

No-Limit Hold'em

We didn't see how the betting went down exactly, but Tommy Hang was on the button when he was all in for around 150,000 holding   . He was up against Scott Clements in the small blind, with him holding   .

By the time the       board had run out, Hang had raked in the double up, while Clements chip stack is still quite healthy.

Tommy Hang300,0000
Scott Clements280,000-80,000
Gorilla Gaming
Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:58 PM Local Time

Matthew Ashton - 10th Place

Matthew Ashton was left crippled just a short while ago and now he has played his last hand of poker in this tournament. The game that he was eliminated in was Stud Eight-or-Better.

Ashton was all in from the beginning of the hand and by the time his cards were all out on the felt, they looked like this        (in no particular order) and with his river card going into the muck. That hand wasn't good enough for Thomas Chambers, who held        . (in no particular order).

Ashton's elimination in 10th place leaves us with just nine players remaining.

Thomas Chambers500,000160,000
Matthew Ashton0-15,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:54 PM Local Time

Vanessa Selbst on a heater.

During the last round of Stud Hi Low Vanessa Selbst won a couple of sizable pots. One was against Julien Renard and the another was against Gabriel Nassif.

Vanessa Selbst1,050,000230,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:47 PM Local Time

Stud 8

Matthew Ashton:    /      /  
Thomas Chambers:    /      /  
Chris Bjorin:    /      /  

We arrived at the action on fifth street, with Matthew Ashton leading out. Thomas Chambers then made it an extra bet and Chris Bjorin cold called. Ashton then raised it up again and both his opponents called. On sixth street, Ashton checked and Chambers bet. Bjorin then raised it up and Ashton tank-called. Chambers called and seventh was dealt.

On seventh street, Chambers led and Bjorin called. Ashton then tank for a long time. He only had around 15,000 behind and had already committed so much to the hand. Eventually he opted to fold. Chambers turned over     for a seventy-six low, while Bjorin held     for three nines. The pot was split up between Bjorin and Chambers, while Ashton was left crippled. He did seem happy that he made the fold though.

Matthew Ashton15,000-65,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:36 PM Local Time

Bryn Kenney 11th Place

Pot Limit Omaha

We found Vanessa Selbst and Bryn Kenney heads up at the turn. The board read        , Selbst bet 34,000 and Kenney raised to 92,500.

Selbst thought for a moment and then potted. Kenney moved all in and Selbst called


Kenney was ahead with a set of tens but Selbst hit the river when it fell   giving her the Broadway straight.

Vanessa Selbst820,000355,000
Bryn Kenney0-375,000
Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:29 PM Local Time
Level: 22
Blinds: 0/0
Ante: 0
Gorilla Gaming