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2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 to Thursday, June 16, 2011

Event #24: $5,000 No-Limit Hold'em Shootout (2,000 Max)

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  • Buy-in: $5,000
  • Prizepool: $1,818,900
  • Entries: 387
  • Remaining: 0


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Friday, June 17, 2011 12:29 AM Local Time

As was the case just two hands earlier, Jeffrey Gross shipped it all in from the button and Mark Radoja folded.

Friday, June 17, 2011 12:29 AM Local Time

Mark Radoja again opened the button to 400,000 and Jeffrey Gross swiftly folded.

Friday, June 17, 2011 12:28 AM Local Time

From the button, Jeffrey Gross moved all in for 4,015,000 to force a fold from Mark Radoja.

"On your face!" screamed Matthew Waxman from Gross' rail.

Friday, June 17, 2011 12:27 AM Local Time

Mark Radoja opened his button to 400,000 and Jeffrey Gross quickly angled his cards at the muck.

Friday, June 17, 2011 12:26 AM Local Time

With the button on Jeffrey Gross, he kicked his cards to the muck to give Mark Radoja a walk on the first hand of heads-up play.

Gorilla Gaming
Friday, June 17, 2011 12:24 AM Local Time

Heads up play has begun between Mark Radoja and Jeffrey Gross and the mood at the main stage is absolutely electric. The players with the two largest, most bombastic cheering sections have made it heads up which has resulted in a pretty extreme mix of chants, stomps, and cries of celebration. Radoja's section is stationed on one side of the bleachers while Gross' section is on the other.

The most creative chant we've heard is most certainly one that started right as we transitioned into heads up play, with Radoja's section singing "My Sharona" by The Knack, only replacing the title of the song with "Mark Ra-do-ja!". The crowd, fueled by passion and alcohol are upping the ante for this heads up match and making the intensity level soar through the roof.

Mark Radoja11,000,0002,035,000
Jeffrey Gross4,000,000-30,000
Friday, June 17, 2011 12:19 AM Local Time

Nicolas Fierrogottner

Mark Radoja raised from the button to 450,000. Jeff Gross got out of the way and Nicolas Fierrogottner moved all in. Radoja snap called and the cards were turned over


The board came       and Fierrogottner was sent to the rail in third place. He will receive $198,096 for his efforts.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:59 PM Local Time

Mark Radoja opened his small blind for the second consecutive hand to 450,000.

On the previous occasion, Jeffrey Gross folded, but this time he opted for a shove. After a few moments of consideration, Radoja folded.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:56 PM Local Time

Mark Radoja has put his big stack to good use over the first few hands since the resumption of play.

Picking up the blinds and antes on a couple of occasions, Radoja is now pushing the 9.5 million-chip mark.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:51 PM Local Time
Mark Radoja8,965,000765,000
Jeffrey Gross4,030,000-570,000
Nicolas Fierrogottner2,025,000225,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander
Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:51 PM Local Time
Level: 29
Blinds: 100000/200000
Ante: 30000
Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:29 PM Local Time

The remaining three players are heading on a 20-minute break.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:28 PM Local Time

Mark Radoja limped the small blind and Jeffrey Gross checked his option.

Radoja pushed out 160,000 on the     flop and Gross kicked his cards to the muck.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:25 PM Local Time

Since the elimination of Scott Baumstein in fourth, the action has been fairly dull.

Plenty of walks, the occasional button raise, and basically just chips passing round in circles.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:20 PM Local Time
Mark Radoja8,200,000-400,000
Jeffrey Gross4,600,0001,450,000
Nicolas Fierrogottner1,800,000-500,000
Gorilla Gaming
Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:19 PM Local Time

Scott Baumstein- 4th Place

Scott Baumstein moved all in preflop from the small blind and was called by Jeffrey Gross from the big blind.


The flop paired both players, falling    . The turn came   and Baumstein was left drawing to two seven's to take the pot. Unfortunately for him, the river fell   and he became the next player to hit the rail.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:14 PM Local Time

Nicolas Fierrogottner opened to 350,000 and Mark Radoja made the call to see a     flop fall as both players checked.

The turn of the   saw both players again tap the table as the river of the   completed the board. Fierrogottner led out for 450,000 only to have Radoja push it up to 1,300,000.

Fierrogottner took his time before making the call, only to muck at the sight of Radoja's    as he moved to 8,600,000 while Fierrogottner slipped to 2,300,000 in chips.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:04 PM Local Time

Mark Radoja entered the pot for 320,000 from under the gun and Nicolas Fierrogottner defended his big blind to see a     flop fall.

Fierrogottner check-called a 275,000-chip Radoja continuation-bet before both players tapped the table when the   landed on the turn.

With the river falling the  , Fierrogottner pushed out 800,000 to force a fold from Radoja.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:58 PM Local Time

Adam Junglen- 5th Place

From the small blind, Nicolas Fierrogottner moved all in and Adam Junglen made the call for his tournament life.


The board ran out       and Adam Junglen was sent to the rail, collecting $109,406 in tournament winnings.

Thursday, June 16, 2011 10:51 PM Local Time

Mark Radoja opened under the gun with a raise to 320,000, and once the action folded round to Adam Junglen in the big blind, he bumped it to 860,000. Radoja moved all in for 3,420,000 and Junglen made the call.


The board ran out       to see Radoja double through to 7,000,000 as Junglen is left with just 590,000 in chips.

Mark Radoja7,000,0003,200,000
Adam Junglen590,000-3,110,000
Playtika - Jason Alexander