Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:55 PM Local Time
Updated Chip Counts; Foxen into the Chip Lead
Alex Foxen | 12,300,000 | 2,800,000  |
David Miscikowski | 12,150,000 | -1,250,000  |
Nathan Russler | 8,700,000 | 900,000  |
Kevin Stevens | 8,000,000 | -550,000  |
Toby Boas | 5,300,000 | -200,000  |
Stefan Lehner | 3,300,000 | -600,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:50 PM Local Time
Joey Weissman Eliminated in 7th Place ($75,282)

Cards were on their backs between Joey Weissman and Nathan Russler. Russler was the big stack with 3,625,000, but was less than one big blind ahead of Weissman who was the player at risk.
Joey Weissman:
Nathan Russler:
The flop only had one heart, but the turn gave Weissman both straight and flush draws to stay alive. The river bricked and after a quick count, it was confirmed that Weissman had the shorter stack and was eliminated in seventh place.
Nathan Russler | 7,800,000 | 3,450,000  |
Joey Weissman | 0 | -4,100,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:47 PM Local Time
Stevens Chips Up Through Chip Leader Miscikowski
Kevin Stevens opened to 750,000 and David Miscikowski defended his big blind.
The flop was and Miscikowski check-called 750,000 from Stevens. The turn was the and both players checked.
The river was the and Miscikowski checked. Stevens bet 1,800,000 and Miscikowski open-folded for a set of threes.
David Miscikowski | 13,400,000 | -2,450,000  |
Kevin Stevens | 8,550,000 | 1,200,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:36 PM Local Time
Weissman Shoves on Lehner
Stefan Lehner opened to 600,000 and Joey Weissman three-bet all in for 3,475,000 from the big blind.
Lehner took his time, apologizing for the delay.
"Take your time," said Toby Boas. Lehner eventually opted to fold and now sits with just over ten big blinds.
David Miscikowski | 15,850,000 | 1,225,000  |
Alex Foxen | 9,500,000 | 0  |
Kevin Stevens | 7,350,000 | -750,000  |
Toby Boas | 5,500,000 | -200,000  |
Nathan Russler | 4,350,000 | -25,000  |
Joey Weissman | 4,100,000 | 1,325,000  |
Stefan Lehner | 3,900,000 | -200,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:29 PM Local Time
Nicholas Dolen Eliminated in 8th Place ($57,683)

Alex Foxen raised to 600,000 from under the gun. It folded to Nicholas Dolen on the button who three-bet all in for 2,600,000.
Foxen took his time before eventually calling.
Nicholas Dolen:
Alex Foxen:
The board ran out and Dolen was eliminated.
"Nice call," said tablemate Kevin Stevens, as Dolen hit the rail in eighth place for $57,683.
Alex Foxen | 9,500,000 | 3,100,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 0 | -3,350,000  |

Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:20 PM Local Time
Boas Doubles Through Weissman

Joey Weissman shoved blind on blind and Toby Boas let out a deep breath before checking his cards and instantly calling for his last 2,700,000.
Toby Boas:
Joey Weissman:
Weissman flopped a gutshot for additional outs on the flop but the runout bricked and Boas doubled up.
Toby Boas | 5,700,000 | 2,700,000  |
Joey Weissman | 2,775,000 | -2,725,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:18 PM Local Time
Level 33 started
Level: 33
Blinds: 150,000/300,000
Ante: 300,000
Saturday, June 11, 2022 2:02 PM Local Time
Chip Counts at the Break
David Miscikowski | 14,625,000 | 325,000  |
Kevin Stevens | 8,100,000 | 0  |
Alex Foxen | 6,400,000 | -700,000  |
Joey Weissman | 5,500,000 | -400,000  |
Nathan Russler | 4,375,000 | -825,000  |
Stefan Lehner | 4,100,000 | 600,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 3,350,000 | -550,000  |
Toby Boas | 3,000,000 | 1,150,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:51 PM Local Time
Checked Down; Weissman Wins
Joey Weissman opened to 500,000 from the hijack and Kevin Stevens called on the button.
The pair checked down the board.
"I think I let you get there," said Stevens tabling but Weissman had been ahead all the way with and took down the pot.
Kevin Stevens | 8,100,000 | -925,000  |
Joey Weissman | 5,900,000 | 2,200,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:39 PM Local Time
Russler Shoves on Dolen
Nicholas Dolen opened to 500,000 from the button and Nathan Russler three-bet all in for around 4,500,000 from the small blind.
Dolen folded. Here are the chip counts from the final eight players.
David Miscikowski | 14,300,000 | -200,000  |
Kevin Stevens | 9,025,000 | -275,000  |
Alex Foxen | 7,100,000 | 600,000  |
Nathan Russler | 5,200,000 | -1,100,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 3,900,000 | -575,000  |
Joey Weissman | 3,700,000 | -100,000  |
Stefan Lehner | 3,500,000 | -725,000  |
Toby Boas | 1,850,000 | -150,000  |

Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:34 PM Local Time
Stevens Shoves on Foxen

Alex Foxen raised to 500,000 and Kevin Stevens defended his small blind.
Stevens checked dark.
"I'm going to wait if you don't mind," replied Foxen. The flop was and Foxen bet 375,000. Stevens called.
The turn was the . Stevens checked and Foxen bet 1,400,000. Stevens then check-raised all in and Foxen folded.
"You want to see one?" said Stevens, and Foxen said yes. Stevens flipped over the for trips.
"They were both the same anyway," he said, moving up into second in chips.
Kevin Stevens | 9,300,000 | 2,375,000  |
Alex Foxen | 6,500,000 | -2,500,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:32 PM Local Time
Davide Suriano Eliminated in 9th Place ($44,785)

David Miscikowski raised to 500,000 from the late position and Davide Suriano three-bet shoved from the button for what looked like 2,375,000. The blinds folded and Miscikowski snap-called.
Davide Suriano:
David Miscikowski:
The board ran out for the flop to give Suriano a glimmer of hope but the queen on the turn left him drawing dead as he made his way out of the tournament area.
David Miscikowski | 14,500,000 | 2,650,000  |
Davide Suriano | 0 | -2,725,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:25 PM Local Time
Foxen Wins Some, Loses a Bit
Alex Foxen raised to 550,000 from under the gun and was called by Joey Weissman in the middle position and Nicholas Dolen on the button. The flop came for Foxen to continue with a bet of 550,000 and not get called.
On the next hand, Dolen raised to 550,000 from the cutoff and Foxen defended his big blind. The flop came , Foxen checked and then folded when Dolen continued with a bet of 500,000.
Alex Foxen | 9,000,000 | 1,850,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 4,475,000 | -250,000  |
Joey Weissman | 3,800,000 | -1,600,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:15 PM Local Time
Flush over Flush for Miscikowski

The board read with around 2,000,000 in the middle already.
Stefan Lehner checked his big blind and David Miscikowski fired a bet of 1,100,000 out. Lehner thought about it and then called.
The river completed the board with the and they both checked. Lehner had to show first and tabled the for the flush but Miscikowski held the for the higher flush and the pot and the bigger chip lead.
David Miscikowski | 11,850,000 | 3,700,000  |
Stefan Lehner | 4,225,000 | -2,650,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 1:00 PM Local Time
Foxen Shoves on Dolen
With 1,650,000 in the middle, the board read .
Alex Foxen had checked his big blind and Nicholas Dolen bet 550,000 from the cutoff. Foxen called.
The river completed the board with the and Foxen checked again. This time, Dolen bet 850,000 for Foxen to contemplate for a while before opting to shove for around 4,400,000. Dolen folded.
Alex Foxen | 7,150,000 | 1,775,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 4,725,000 | -2,150,000  |

Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:55 PM Local Time
Dolen Gets Some from Miscikowski
The flop read and David Miscikowski had checked in the big blind. Nicholas Dolen bet 400,000 from the button for Miscikowski to raise it up to 1,000,000. Dolen called.
The turn was the and Miscikowski checked again and folded immediately once Dolen put out a bet of 1,100,000.
David Miscikowski | 8,150,000 | -1,150,000  |
Nicholas Dolen | 6,875,000 | 750,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:48 PM Local Time
Weissman Gets Miscikowski to Fold
David Miscikowski raised to 400,000 from under the gun and Joey Weissman three-bet to 900,000 from the middle position while the rest folded.
They both checked through the flop to the on the turn. Miscikowski checked and then folded when Weissman barreled a bet of 800,000 into the pot.
David Miscikowski | 9,300,000 | 200,000  |
Joey Weissman | 5,400,000 | 420,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:41 PM Local Time
Stevens Shows One
Nathan Russler raised to 425,000 from the middle position and Alex Foxen called from the hijack. The action folded to Kevin Stevens in the big blind who made the call.
The flop came , it was checked to Foxen who bet 450,000 which only Stevens called.
They both checked through the on the turn to the on the river.
Stevens fired a bet of 750,000 over the line for Foxen to tank.
After some back and forth, "You have better than that?!" Foxen asked Stevens.
"There's only one way to find out!" Steven replied.
"Well, I know that..." Foxen retorted.
"I'll show you one," Stevens added.
Foxen folded and Stevens slid his cards forward, Foxen pointed to the left one and Stevens revealed the .
Kevin Stevens | 6,925,000 | 1,235,000  |
Nathan Russler | 6,300,000 | 0  |
Alex Foxen | 5,375,000 | -1,275,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:35 PM Local Time
Lehner Gets Some Chips Back
Stefan Lehner raised to 400,000 from the early position and Toby Boas defended his big blind.
The flop came , Boas checked with 2,000,000 behind and Lehner continued with a min-bet of 200,000 for the fold.
Stefan Lehner | 6,875,000 | -320,000  |
Toby Boas | 2,000,000 | -75,000  |
Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:26 PM Local Time
Foxen On the Rise
After a few raises and folds, Alex Foxen raised again from the early position this time to 425,000 and only Nathan Russler made the call from the big blind.
The flop came for Russler to check and then fold when Foxen continued with a bet of 350,000
Alex Foxen | 6,650,000 | 1,925,000  |
Nathan Russler | 6,300,000 | -700,000  |