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2024/25 WSOP Circuit - Thunder Valley Casino (California)

Monday, January 27, 2025 to Monday, January 27, 2025

WSOPC Event #16: $400 No-Limit Hold'em - Series Finale

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  • Buy-in: $400
  • Prizepool: $25,410
  • Entries: 77
  • Remaining: 0


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Monday, January 27, 2025 7:53 PM Local Time (about 12 days and 7 hours ago)

Scott Stewart has won Circuit ring #8 in The Finale 

At the start of the series, Scott Stewart was playfully teased about cashing in a $600 side event here at the Thunder Valley in his first series since winning the WPT World Championship last month.

He went on and won that event.

And now, he's gone and won another one.

Stewart topped the 77 entry field in Event #16: $400 The Finale for his 8th WSOP Circuit ring and $7,290.

In his interview after winning ring #7 last week, Stewart spoke at length about life after winning the WPT Championship including his desire to buy a Jurrasic Park-themed golf cart with the winnings.

But far more importantly, he spoke about the importance of family and friends and the ability to spend time with them.

It comes as no surprise then that when asked if he'd like to forgo the standard winner's interview this time to expedite his attendance at a post-series celebration with some of those friends his answer was pure Stuey...

"Hell yeah, brother!"

Event #16: $400 The Finale final table results:

  1. Scott Stewart - $7,290
  2. Ronnie Malonzo - $4,662
  3. Evan Price - $3,120
  4. Dan Stavila - $2,191
  5. Shawn Murray - $1,617
  6. Kais Mohammad - $1,258
  7. Yang Lu - $1,035
  8. Juan Lugo - $903
  9. Aditya Prasetyo - $838
Monday, January 27, 2025 9:30 AM Local Time (about 12 days and 17 hours ago)


It’s time to wrap up another tremendously successful WSOP Circuit series here at Thunder Valley Casino Resort with one last chance at winning a WSOP Circuit ring, Event #16: $400 Series Finale.

The event gets underway at 11 a.m. PT and will crown a champion by day’s end after a speedy turbo-structured sprint to the finish.

Here’s a look at the details:

  • $400 buy-in / 20,000 starting chips
  • 20-minute levels
  • Registration open until the start of Level 9
  • Event is a single-entry freezeout
  • Thunder Valley reserves the right to change or cancel the event at any time
Complete coverage of this and every event will be available at, and be sure to check out our Instagram for even more content from Thunder Valley.
Monday, January 27, 2025 9:29 AM Local Time (about 12 days and 17 hours ago)