Friday, March 24, 2023 9:27 PM Local Time
Cowart Dives Deep Into the Tank for Bubble Drama
Following an early position raise to to 9,000, Kareem Cowart three-bet to 26,000 in the hijack. Arnaldo 'AG' Gordon cold-called in the cutoff and the original raiser folded to leave the pot heads up.
The flop came and Cowart checked. Gordon bet 30,000 and got check-raised to 65,000 by Cowart.
Gordon called, and the fell on the turn. Cowart now bet 45,000 and Gordon moved all in for his last 107,000.
Cowart went deep into the tank, counting and riffling his chips in various formations, talking through the hand, and taking over five minutes to come to a decision which could potentially eliminate Gordon.
Ultimately he opted to fold, with Gordon showing him his for a turned Broadway straight as hand for hand play continued on the bubble.
Arnaldo 'AG' Gordon - 340,000
Kareem Cowart - 240,000