Friday, March 24, 2023 8:36 PM Local Time
Russo Sends LaTona into the Tank
Joesph LaTona raised to 8,000 in early position and was called by Joe Porto in the small blind and Anthony Russo in the big blind.
On the flop, action was checked to LaTona who bet 12,000. Porto folded, but Russo check-raised to 30,000. latona called and the duo went to the turn.
The dealer put the on the board and Russo bet 25,000. LaTona went into the tank, thinking for over a minute before landing on a fold.
"I almost jammed on you" said LaTona as Russo collected the pot, with each one important as the bubble is just five eliminations away.
Anthony Russo - 200,000
Joseph LaTona - 155,000
Joe Porto - 50,000