
2016 47th Annual World Series of Poker

Thursday, June 30, 2016 to Saturday, July 02, 2016

Event #53: $1,500 Mixed PLO/8; Omaha/8; and Big O

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $901,800
  • Entries: 668
  • Remaining: 0


Saturday, July 2, 2016 2:47 PM Local Time
Paul Tedeschi Eliminated in 24th Place ($5,639)

Big O

Jordan Siegel says that Paul Tedeschi opened for a pot-sized raise preflop, which he called, then went all in on the flop. Tedeschi had jacks up at the river, but Siegel made aces and queens to score the knockout.

Jordan Siegel - 210,000 (42 bb)
Paul Tedeschi - Eliminated in 24th Place ($5,639)

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